Kaskelen Humanitarian-Technical College

 Announces Admission for 2017-2018 academic year for full-time and correspondence courses on the basis of 9 and 11 classes in the following specialties:


- "Accounting and Auditing"

- "Master of the Kazakh language and literature"

- "The teacher of a foreign language" (English)

- "Primary education"

- "Law"

- "Preschool education and training"

- "Information Systems"

- "Physical Culture and Sports"

  Training is conducted in the Kazakh and Russian languages.


 Adress: town Kaskelen,st.Zhangozin,13 А


tel.2-05-92(waiting room);


tel.(+7 727) 371-76-86 Headmaster;


tel.(+7 727) 371-76-85




